opening the floodgates
Originally posted on June 3, 2012.
There were only three brave souls who came to stand on the bridge with our peace signs in this pouring rain today. There had been flood warning about the river there. While we were there the guys were opening the floodgates of the dam just on the other side of the street. It was so beautiful to watch them in their raingear walking across the top of the dam doing what they all seemed to know very well needed to be done….they were all “good at” what they were doing. One by one they lifted barriers or lowered gates. Each time they got one open, the water came gushing over and splashing higher and higher with each open gate.
I couldn’t help myself. I thought of Scott Walker in Wisconsin. I thought of Governor LePage’s nasty comments about workers. I thought about him removing the labor mural. While all of these right wing politicians are going on and on about the workers, I mean both public workers and private workers. They are out there getting the job done…..doing what needs to be done to keep the town from flooding; to keep the schools running and teaching; to answer you call when you call the government with a complaint; to fill the potholes. Meanwhile these politicians doubt their honor. I thought of what great admiration I have for anyone who works at a job and does it well. How grand they seemed compared to the petty people who were denigrating them.
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